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Telegram has a serious doxing problem: Die Messaging-Plattform Telegram wird in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt verwendet, um private Informationen von Personen publik werden zu lassen, so genanntes Doxing. So zum Beispiel auch im Ukraine-Krieg, sowohl von ukrainischer („Ukrainians have been using Telegram to release the private information of Russian soldiers, politicians, and alleged collaborators and spies“) als auch von russischer Seite, da unter dem unheilvoll klingenden Namen Project Nemesis.

Project Nemesis includes a website publishing the photographs and personal details of hundreds of individuals fighting on behalf of Ukraine, including birth dates, addresses, telephone numbers, passport numbers, personal social media profiles and more. It also incorporates a Telegram channel which posts multiple times a day, highlighting particular individuals who have been doxxed on the site and encouraging their thousands of followers to mock or harass them. As of early June 2022, there are also indications of an effective media strategy to amplify Project Nemesis and further its goals.


Auf der Suche nach Project Nemesis bin ich dann auch auf eine Seite gestoßen, die unter diesem Namen eine vermeintliche zionistische Weltverschwörung aufzeigen will, quasi mittels öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen die Personen doxen will:

While it is widely known that organisations such as BDS and Hamas and countries such as Russia and Iran engage in both anti-Zionism and antisemitism, the identity of those behind Project Nemesis is hidden behind digital walls.


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